Gilmore Girls 5/08/20

Hello! Its been awhile since i’ve posted! A couple months actually. Because of the coronavirus, I have had more time on my hands. I used some of this time to watch a much recommended show, Gilmore Girls.

I started this show sometime around December, but it was put on hold because I couldn’t get into it right away. Then, something changed when we went into quarentine. I watched one episode, and I felt the quality of the show going wayyyy up. So I kept watching. Let me tell you, this is now my all time favorite show and I recommend it. Here’s an overview of the show without spoliers.

Intro: Lorelai Gilmore was a teen mom at 16, and her daughter is also Lorelai Gilmore, but she is called Rory as a nickname. The two happily live in the small, cute town of Stars Hollow together. Lorelai left her very rich and tradional parents who have a high social status. They rarely see Lorelai’s parents after Lorelai left home with Rory, despite living only thirty minutes apart. But that seems to change when the oppertunity of a lifetime that could better our smart little Rory’s chances of getting into Hardvard.

This show is amazing, and will keep you busy for a little while, as it is 7 seasons. I give this show a 10/10 because of its intrigue, slight drama, and humor. Please let me know if you watch this show, and comment if you have seen it! Best wishes to all and stay safe!


Dance Moms 1/15/20

Even before I started dance, I watched dance moms. I liked it because it was dramatic and entertaining. I always loved watching the girls wear their sparkly costumes and complain about how their ankle hurt or something like that.

Season 1 was defenitly the best!!! The mom’s, espesically Maddie and Mackenzie’s and Chloe’s mom’s fight a lot on the show and say some things that can be pretty terrible but overall … I can’t pretend I haven’t watched 5 and a half seasons of it so far.

The show stopped for a couple of years when abby (the dance teacher) went to jail and then had cancer. The Abby Lee Miller is still going through cancer but has started up another ALDC team.

This show may be for you of you enjoy drama, dance, or watching dance. The best thing about watching this show is that you don’t have to watch the seasons in order for it ton competely make sense. Some things will be brought back up, so I would recommend it but it’s not a must.

My favorite character in this show is probably Maddie because she is the best Tap dancer on the team and I love tap.

This show would be rated 10/10 for me! It’s my favorite show haha.

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets 1/13/20

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was defenitly better Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by far. This will contain less spoliers.

This movie in my opinion had more detail and the charatcer’s were a lot better with their acting.

The most memorable line from this movie? At least, for me. Was when Draco Malfoy asked his “friends” what they had been up to, when one said reading Draco relplied with “I didn’t know you could read.” Extremley sassy. I don’t know, maybe I’m just a werdio but it made me laugh so……….

This movie was a lot better than the first for many reasons. Sadly, the hogwarts hallways and all 142 of it’s changing staircases were not as included in this movie.

Also in this movie, one of the best parts was the scenes where Harry and Ron weren’t able to get onto platform 9 and 3/4 so they took the flying car to Hogwarts instead of the Hogwarts Express. Great job for running the car into a tree guys, and “out of all the trees we hit, we had to hit the one that fought back” Ron Weasley says (thats not a direct quote but that’s roughly what it is)

Here’s an image of the staircase I spend so much time complaining about on my blog. In this movie we are introduced to one of my favorite characters of all time… Dobby the House Elf. We learn that house elf’s are magically enslaved beings that have to work for the family they are born into until they die. Unless… they are freed by getting a piece of clothing. “Master has been given Dobby a sock, Dobby is FREEEEEEEEE!” Is probably another great line from this movie.

This was a shorter entry about a movie, but I didn’t want to revel a lot about what happens in case anyone hasn’t seen this fabulous movie yet! Out of ten this movie recives and 8.5 on my scale, because the story line of this book isn’t my favorite but there weren’t any major plot changes. So overall it was pretty enjoyable.

Frozen Two Movie Review! 1/10/20

I went to see this movie with my family over the winter break. I had heard before that the second movie was supposedly better than the first, even the songs were supposed to be, this is pretty rare for a movie.

Personally, I liked the first movie better. The whole movie seemed to be moving pretty slow, Kristoff was planning to propose to Anna the whole time, and that just seemed to be the main focus of the movie in my opinion.

I also didn’t think that the music was better. I liked one song the best, and that was Into the Unkown. All the other songs seemed to be a lot slower moving.

One thing I will also say about this movie is that is was a lot more dark and somewhat depressing. Anna was singing a very dark song after someone close to her left. Also, the background story the movie showed was dark. This movie was as dark as 85% coca chocolate people!

Overall I would rate this movie about a 5 out of 10, because it was a lot less playful and the story didn’t hook you as much as I expected it to.

Iron Lady Movie Review! 1/9/20

Iron Lady is a movie I started watching on a quiet day home alone via Netflix. This movie is about Margret Thatcher the first female prime Minister of England, aka the United Kingdom. As an American teenager, I don’t know a lot about the British governent and how it works, and actually I am pretty in the dark about the more recent history of England. This movie is set after her serving as prime mister but has flashbacks of her time before becoming Prime Minister and during her term serving. The movie shows Margret in her young life, from her humble beginnings, working at a family buisness, and then getting accepted into Oxford College. She then becomes a member of the conservative party, and attends a dinner meeting filled with men, little does she know this is where she meets her future husband Denis.

Fast forward to when there is some violence, Airey Neave (who worked with Margret) is killed by the Irish National Liberation Army, with a bomb fixed under is car. This starts to get into Margret Thatchers struggle with the IRA (Irish Rebublican Army) and the INLA (Irish National Liberation Army) Of course this isn’t how the issue really started, I think it was a problem before this happened.

During the movie we find out the since Margret is older, and starting to lose some of her memory, she turns out to start thinking her husband Denis is still alive at times, when in reality he has passed on. Margret will talk to Denis about things and go through his things, which is where we get the flashbacks.

The movie tied everyhting together really nicely, making sure that viewers weren’t confused by the flashbacks. The only thing I would say is that you should learn a little bit about margret thatcherand what was happenng around the time of 2000’s – 2013 and the 70’s in England, if you’re a person who doesn’t now a lot about British history like me.

Overall Rating? On a scale from 1-10 I give this movie a solid 7.5, just because I felt that they could have cleared up Margrets past a littl bit better, or maybe even have some narrate the movie? I do recommend you watch this movie if you have a Netlfix account though!

Bonus: Snack Idea!

For this movie if your feeling a bit hungry, try tea and scones if you can! It’s probably a little general, but still fun! 🙂

Harry Potter and Sorcerers Stone Movie! 1/9/20

Many people have read the favorite series of many, Harry Potter. The books have been loved by many. The movies however… not cutting it for me. This could very quickly and easily be turned into a rant about random little things!

I’ve written about the pros and cons of the movie, but my overall rating is at the bottom!

Complaints about Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone:

In the Harry Potter series movies, none of the characters, settings, or events are done justice. In the Sorcerers Stone book we are introduced to a character named Peeves, who is a poltergiest and causes trouble all around Hogwarts castle. In the movie, they cut out the character. My question is who does this??? Has the director even read the book???

Positives about the movie:

While there are some things wrong with this movie, what I have to say is the special effects are really good for the school ghost, like Nearly Headless Nick, (Gryfinndor’s house ghost) Also, in the books the stairs move around the castle and switch where they lead to, this is the only movie where that really happens. While you might catch a minor glimpse of the staircases in the other movies, it just doesn’t compare to the scene’s in the Sorcerer’s stone.

The Chess scene (Spoliers Ahead!) This is my opinion was the only puzzle (the famous trio, Ron, Hermione, and Harry had to figure out to stop Voldemort.) In the movie done properly, it was very detailed and was even better than the books scene. It was more emotional and really made you realize what good friends these eleven year olds are.

Diagonally was really well put together. Olivanders Wand Shop was on point, even the shop owner turning out to be exactly as described in the book. Which was kinda creepy! The leaky cauldron was also very accurate.

Overall I would give this movie a 8 out of 10 stars, just because I’m holding grudge about cutting out characters. Not cool. But it recives an 8 out of 10 for the wondeful acting, humor, and accuracy with characters like Harry’s glasses being broken and Hermone fixing them! I recomend this movie! Thanks for reading my 1st post!

A Little About Me!

Hello! Welcome to my Movie Reviews blog! My name is Lauren, I am 13 years old. Some of my favorites are the color pink, reading, and dance. I really enjoy watching movies too! Some of my favorite movies include Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Iron Lady, (basically any of the Harry Potter movies!)

On my blog I will mostly review movies that were orginally books, including the Harry Potter movies, the divergent movies, and possibly other books. I will still go over some movies that aren’t books, because those are also amazing!

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